We are continuing to offer our free local delivery promotion until further notice, especially as the region is facing an uncertain future in relation to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
While we would love to see you in store, we understand completely why this might be difficult for some people and so if you buy online and live locally we can deliver to your home using social distancing methods.
Free delivery is available to the following postcode areas:
Delivery will be made on either a Wednesday evening (6pm to 8pm) or Sunday afternoon (4pm to 6pm).
We will be personally delivering any items using this service. Please ensure that you only choose this option if you live within the selected postcode areas and that it is safe for us to do so. We will send you a text message or email to let you know we're on the way and on arrival will ring your door bell and place the order on your step / in front of your door.
If you are not at home, we will leave the order on your doorstep. Please note that we can not claim any responsibility for items going missing after we leave so we would appreciate you only arranging free delivery if you know you (or someone else) are going to be at home to receive it.
If ordering on the same day as delivery, please note that the cut off time is 3pm (so if it is Wednesday and you place an order after 3pm, we probably won't be able to deliver on the same day after this time).
You may live outside of these postcode areas and require your order urgently. We may be able to work something out - please contact us via email (info@hamiedog.co.uk) to discuss possible options.
This is a free service which we are offering to help with the current situation. It may be withdrawn at any time. If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch.